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Deer Tribe : The Communicator who expresses creativity

Deer are gentle herbivores that are unlikely to cause harm to anyone. They are adaptable creatures that can thrive in different environments, from lush forests to dry deserts and even in rural areas. While some deer prefer to live alone, others live in large herds. With their sharp senses and high level of alertness, deer are always on the lookout for danger. When they sense something unusual, they will stand still, raise their neck, and turn their head in the direction of the danger. Their ears and tail will also point in that direction, and if one deer starts running, the rest of the herd will follow.

The fur of deer is often camouflage, allowing them to blend into their surroundings. Newborn deer have distinctive white spots on their bodies, which will darken and sparkle when they sense danger. This helps to disguise them from predators and warn their friends in the herd. Some deer may seem shy, but they will come out to show themselves if they feel comfortable around people. In general, deer are beautiful creatures that are a joy to watch.

Deer have played an important role in human life and culture throughout history. Their leather and fur can be made into clothing and accessories, while deer antlers are used for decorations or even as medicine. Deer meat is also a popular food source, and deer have been depicted in ancient cave paintings and international myths. These gentle creatures have proven to be more than just beautiful creatures of nature but also a valuable resource for humans.

Deer are known for their unique feature, the male's antlers. These antlers are not permanent, and they grow anew every year. The new antlers are used for battles and to attract mates. Even if the antlers are broken, they will grow back when it's time to breed. The new antlers look like a cartilage-covered with furry velvet and contain nerves and blood vessels to supply them with essential nutrients and vitamins. Over time, the soft antlers transform into a sturdy, hard horn. The size of the antlers depends on the age of the deer, but despite being useful for fights between males, they provide little protection against predators.

Characteristics of Deer Tribe

The Deer Tribe has a talent for communication and expressing themselves in various ways, whether it's through words, writing, body language, or even art. They have the ability to bring their imagination to life and showcase their unique skills. Although the Deer Tribe is generally outgoing and cheerful, they may also be shy at times and lack self-confidence. Some members of the tribe may be comfortable standing in front of a large crowd, while others prefer to work quietly in a corner to create exceptional works of art.

It's important to note that not all members of the Deer Tribe communicate in the same way. Some may be great writers, but struggle with public speaking. Communication is a unique and personal experience, and the way one member of the Deer Tribe communicates may not be the same for another.

The Deer Tribe are often known for their outgoing personalities and creative abilities, but they can also struggle with self-confidence at times. When they showcase their talents, they may receive admiration and high expectations from others, but this can also put pressure on them to constantly perform. Some Deer Tribe members may choose to hide their true selves, either by pretending to be someone else or by staying in the shadows. However, this can cause them to lose their unique identity and place in society. It's important for the Deer Tribe to overcome their fear of rejection and be true to themselves, even if it means facing disappointment from others.

One thing that the Deer Tribe should be aware of is their tendency to have an overly positive outlook on the world. While this can be a strength, it can also make them naive to the realities of the world. The Deer Tribe may not have enough experience with challenges and difficult situations, which can make it harder for them to adapt when they have to leave their comfort zone. It's important for the Deer Tribe to develop resilience and prepare for the ups and downs of life.

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